For those viewing this site, who may be curious as to who the fellow in the picture above is,
this is Heath Calhoun. Heath is a bit of a local celebrity, but not because he has two prosthetic legs. He's a celebrity,
because he is a Silver Medalist at the 2014 Winter Paralympics in Sochi, Russia! Heath was once a Staff Sergeant, (Squad
Leader), in the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). He lost both his legs in combat action in Afghanistan.
But Heath never let that slow him down! He rides a trike, he works at our sponsoring dealer, Appleton's Harley-Davidson, in
the parts department, and he participated in those Paralympic games, winning that Silver Medal! So, if you're ever in our
neck of the woods and stop in at Appleton's H-D, ask for Heath, get your picture taken with him, and get his autograph. He's
not only a Paralympics Silver Medalist, but he's a genuine American Hero, who has sacrificed more than most, to serve the
cause of Freedom!

These two laughing ladies above, are Tia Suiter (L), and Valerie Ledterman (R). Tia is wife
to Danny Suiter, owner of our sponsoring dealer, Appleton's H-D, and she also serves as the dealership Public Relations/Event
Coordinator. Valerie, is our Regional H.O.G. Representative.


The lady at the far right, (in the above picture), is Mary Rose. She is the General Manager of
our sponsoring dealer, Appleton's H-D. She is pictured here with, Valerie Ledterman, (in the center), Heath Calhoun, (behind
Valerie), Tia Suiter, (left of, and next to Heath), and two other Appleton's employees.

The fellow on the right, (in picture above), is Danny Suiter, owner of our sponsoring dealer,
Appleton's H-D. He is talking to Heath Calhoun, already mounted on his trike. For more about Heath, scroll down to a picture
of him, by himself, sitting on his trike. Danny and Heath, led a ride sponsored by Appleton's H-D at the state rally. You
can see them leading the group, (in the picture below), right behind the Police escort.

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