Our annual Chapter Polar Bear Ride is conducted on the 1st Saturday in January, and as long as there is no snow/ice on
the ground, or it's not raining, we do it no matter what the temperature is. We have had some years when the temps were almost
balmy, in the 70's, and a few years when it was pretty danged cold, in the 30's! This year was pretty average for our area
at this time of year, it was about 54 degrees at ride time. The Polar Bear Ride is usually one of our best attended rides
and it signals the beginning of a new riding year. If you weren't there, check out the pictures and see what you missed. Come
join us on other rides and events throughout the coming year. If you're not a Chapter member, but are interested in checking
us out, look at the front page of this website, and/or our Chapter Events Calendar which can be found at a link on the left
side of any page of this website, for information about the times/places for our monthly Chapter meetings and when/where our
rides and events will be held. Come see how much FUN you're missing!
